Top 5 Longest Cutscenes in Video Game History

Posted by: Nate Spell

longest cutscene in video game

We all know that cutscenes can make or break a video game. They can advance the plot, and create an emotional connection between the player and the characters. They can be an incredible tool to create an immersive experience when done well.

However, not all cutscenes are created equal. Some are so long that they start to feel more like an action-packed, emotionally-driven movie than a video game. If you love cutscenes as we do, then this list is for you.

The Importance of Cutscenes in a Video Game

While some gamers find them to be a welcome break from the action, others find them to be a frustrating interruption.Regardless of your opinion on cutscenes, there is no denying their importance in the gaming industry. Some of the most iconic moments in gaming history have been made possible by cutscenes, such as the death of Aeris in Final Fantasy VII, or the reveal of Solid Snake’s true identity in Metal Gear Solid.

Long cutscenes can be particularly effective in games that rely heavily on plot, such as RPGs. They allow the developers to flesh out the story and game world in a way that would not be possible in gameplay alone.

Legendary Cutscenes

There are some cutscenes that are so long, they become the stuff of legend. These are the scenes that players just have to admire because they are that it feels like you’re watching a movie rather than playing a game.

Some of the most iconic and well-loved cutscenes in gaming history are also some of the longest.

Longest Video Game Cutscenes

Here are the 5 longest cutscenes in video game history.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (71 minutes)

Holding the Guinness World Record for the longest cutscene in a video game, Metal Gear Solid 4’s epilogue clocks in at a whopping 71 minutes. Within 71 minutes, the game director, Hideo Kojima, could easily tie up the entire plot in this game’s conclusion.

The cutscene features beautiful graphics and emotionally charged storytelling, making it a true masterpiece. While some fans may find the length to be a bit excessive, there is no denying that it is an impressive achievement.

2. Star Ocean: The Last Hope (46 minutes)

Star Ocean: The Last Hope is a JRPG developed by Square Enix that was released in 2009. The game’s finale features a cutscene that is 46 minutes long.

The cutscene is an emotional rollercoaster, featuring some of the most beautifully animated scenes for the final battle. Gamers alike were left in awe of the game’s graphics and storytelling.

3. Death Stranding (31 minutes)

Hideo Kojima makes a highly anticipated comeback with his tour de force, Death Stranding. The game features some of the most stunning graphics and cinematics that gaming has ever seen.

Death Stranding features a total of 7 hours of cutscenes with its longest video game cutscene being 31 minutes. Critics have praised Kojima’s artistic vision, especially its climax. 

4. Xenosaga (25 minutes)

Xenosaga is a cult classic JRPG that was released in 2002. With approximately 464 cutscenes, it’s evident the game directors relied heavily on cutscenes to drive the story and world-building.

The game’s longest cutscene is 25 minutes, and it does not disappoint. It is an emotionally charged scene that leaves the player feeling both heartbroken and hopeful.

5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (24 minutes)

Another entry from the Metal Gear Solid franchise, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is widely considered to be one of the best games in the series.  The game features a 24-minute cutscene that is both heart-wrenching and visually stunning.

Create Your Own In-Engine Cinematics and Native Roblox Experience

Cutscenes are an integral part of the gaming industry and there is no denying their importance. Regardless of your opinion of them, there is no denying that they can be used to create some truly impressive moments in gaming.

If you’re looking to create your own in-engine cinematics or native Roblox experience, be sure to contact us today! We would be more than happy to help you create the gaming experience of your dreams.

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